Game Modes and Rules You Should Know Before Your Game Day
Standard Game Types and Modes
Frozen – Typically played like an elimination game. The difference being that if you are shot you are only “frozen” (must stay still) and are not immediately out. You may kneel if you are in the line of fire. While you are frozen, if your own teammate tags you, you are “thawed” and return to play. If an opponent tags you, you are “shattered” and must leave the field.
President – One team is made up of body guards and one president, the other is terrorists. The terrorist team is approximately twice the size of the president’s team. The president’s goal is to get from point A to point B with out being hit. The terrorist’s goal is to kill the president before this happens. Typically the president is unarmed.
Snipers – A team of snipers is sent out into the field given the chance to hide. The others then approach the field and try to kill all the snipers. The snipers are allowed all the ammo they want. The other team has limited ammo (20-40 shots each) There should be about 1-5 ratio of snipers to others.
Hostage Rescue – One person is selected to be the hostage. A team hides them somewhere on the field. The hostage is not allowed to speak until they are rescued. The rescuing team must find the hostage and bring him to a safe point. If anyone shoots the hostage, that team loses.
Terrorists – A team of terrorists has a bomb. The bomb is set to a timer. (10-30 minutes) The terrorists have to protect the bomb and prevent the counter-terrorists from reaching and diffusing the bomb. The bomb cannot be moved during play.
Duel – As an easy way to determine a winner in the case of a tie. Start back to back and walk apart in a straight line. One shot each. An outside party will shout fire, at that time you can turn and shoot. If either team turns prematurely, they lose.
Terminator – 1-6 terminators to others. Terminators have an X taped onto their backs. They must get shot on the X to be killed. The goal of the terminators is to get to a certain point before they are all killed.
Alamo – One team is selected to defend their base. They are not allowed to cross a certain line outside their base. The attacking team must breach their base and reach a flag inside it.
HQ – There are 3 mini games lasting 3 min. each. The ref announces which fort is the objective. Each team receive a point for each team member in that fort at the end of the 3 minutes.
POW – When you are hit you are taken prisoner and go to the opponents camp. You can be released if a teammate tags you. Capture all the opponents to win.
Bio Weapon – Terrorists have stolen a bioweapon and hidden it on the field. Which ever team finds and returns the bioweapon to their team start point wins.
Civil War – Any game, no hoppers allowed. You can only hold one shot in the gun at a time. You can hold as much ammo as you wish in tubes on yourself.
Capture the Flag – One flag is placed in each team’s base. The object of the game is to capture the opposing team’s flag and return it to your flag base.
Knights – Each team has a “Knight” armed with a sword and shield. To win, either get your knight to the enemy start point or eliminate the other team.
Recon – Score points by visiting each fort and marking your card. Play ends when 1 team is eliminated. Highest points wins.
Command and Conquer – Multiple flag poles in the field. To win, your team must have your flag raised at all locations.
Limited Rounds – Any game, each person starts the game with limited ammo.
Play Fair and Have Fun: At Pyrrhic, we have all levels of players ages 6+. We keep things fair, safe, and fun for all ages – come find out for yourself!
General Paintball Rules
Play fair – have fun – and come back for more!
1. There will be one person designated as Head Referee for each Paintball game. All other referee’s will refer any issues to the Head Referee. The Head Referee will be the one who starts and ends the game, stops the game for paint checks and has the final decision on any issue that may arise during the game. The Head Referee will verbally signal the starting, stopping and ending of the game. As with all games, it does not pay to contradict the decisions of any of the referees; decisions by the Head Referee are final and unarguable.
2. A player is out of the game if he is hit by a marking pellet (paintball) and it breaks on him, this includes his clothing or equipment. It doesn’t matter whether the player is shot by a opposing player or a teammate (friendly fire). When a player is marked he/she is to immediately call themselves “OUT”. He/she must then hold their gun over their head, continue to call out “OUT” and leave the playing field by the shortest and safest route.
3. A player is not considered out of the game if he/she is struck by a marking pellet (paintball) and it does not break. A player is not considered out of the game if he/she is struck by a splatter from a marking pellet (paintball). Splatter is considered to be the spray or fragments from a marking pellet that has broken on an object such as a tree, bush, building or rock etc., close to the player. If a player calls themselves “OUT”, because they think that they have been hit by a marking pellet (paintball), he/she is immediately out of the game and must leave the playing field by the shortest and safest route. Even if the player discovers that they were not hit, after they make the call they are out, and must leave the playing field at once.
4. If two or more players mark each other simultaneously, all must be eliminated. A referee will decide who is to be eliminated when two or more players are marked.
5. If there is question as to whether a player has been marked, call for a “Paint Check”, that is why we have referees. When a Paint Check is called the game comes to a halt in the immediate vicinity of the player calling the Paint Check, all players remain where they are at until the referee either calls the player out because of a paintball break or calls the player still in because of a bounce. Note also that during a Paint Check all players involved in the Paint Check (Checker and Checkee) remain where they are when the Paint Check was called and by leaving that position during the Paint Check they can be called out by the referee or by a player reporting their movement to the referee.
6. A player is not allowed to move together with a barricade (no shields).
7. “Dead Man Walking” (DMW) is NOT allowed. DMW is when a player, although not hit, walks alongside players who got shot and are walking out of the game field. This deception gives him/her the advantage to change his/her position or to get nearer to the opposing team.
8. “Dead Man Silent” is when a player gets hit and walks out of the field. During this walk he/she is not allowed to speak to any other players. A marked player is to walk out of the field and to report immediately to the elimination zone, respawn area or staging area.
9. Team captains or the referee assigned to the team have to wave to the Head Referee in order for the game to begin. The Head Referee will blow the air horn once to start the game officially. The end of the game will be signaled but the air horn sounding twice in quick succession.
10. The boundaries of the playing field will be clearly marked with marking stakes and/or marking tape. All players must understand where the boundaries are located and stay within them. During the playing of a game, any player(s) caught outside the boundaries are out of the current game and are to leave the play field area at once. Any and all shots fired from outside the boundaries do not count. No leaving and returning to the playing field during a game. Once outside the boundaries the player is out of the game. Only the game players and the referee(s) are allowed on the playing field during the playing of a game. If an unauthorized person enters the playing field the game is to come to an immediate stop until that person leaves the playing field.
11. If enemy player is within 20′ of you, you must call for surrender, unless in tournament play or Close Quarters Battle (CQB) game.
General Airsoft Rules
Airsoft Game Play and Rules
– Max 320 FPS / 1 joule / Semi auto only
– Hard ear to ear face protection with sealed goggles only
– Field BB’s only – no outside BB’s / Do not overshoot opponents
– Shooting off field will send you home.
– Keep guns pointed down and no “dry firing” in staging area
– If you have concerns, please see management. We are happy to help.
How to play or schedule games...
First, decide if you and your group want to play inside or outside. Choose the correct facility/location above (indoor = Nampa) – (outdoor = Caldwell) and click on the appropriate links (games or scheduling).
Know what you want to play? Go to the the scheduling page and quickly book a game. Book outdoor games – or Indoor time. Looking at which games to play? Take a good look, decide what you’d like to play, and then find a “Book Your Game or Time” button.
Our booking pages are fast and easy to use. Find the game (outdoor) or amount of time (indoor) you want, click on that link, and then go through the booking process. You’ll make your payment, see a confirmation, & you’ll get a confirmation email.